Once a Pedant...

This sign’s just plain offensive.

I’m surprised something so politically incorrect got past any council debate. I know it's been put up to protect the kids in question, but there’s still no need to cast judgement; they can’t help not being as adept or intelligent as their contemporaries. How can they expect to improve their mental capabilities if they’re forced to stay amongst their own?

I suppose at least it acts as a precaution, and gives anyone driving through the neighbourhood a heads-up. While the choice of language is questionable, the motivation was sound; if it prevents just one slow child from being mown down, it’s been justified.

All joking aside, it’s things like this that prove why punctuation is so important, as without it, the meaning is lost. It’s also vital to consider the choice of wording. It reminds me of a poster I spotted outslde my local hospital that said ‘Stop Smoking for Free’; it’s not like cigarettes are any better for you if you pay for them. 

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