Not Write.

I’d like to write some new material today but nothing’s grabbing me.

I have a list of topics I’ve discussed on this blog that I think will work in a live context, which I add to from time to time. I’ve been doing that this morning; flicking through the last few months’ posts, to see what's suitable. There are few I think will translate, but I’m not in the right mood to do it. This is frustrating, as I have the day off, and would like to use it productively.

Perhaps I should have gone into the office. I find it hard to write at home. It’s too easy to be distracted. Having said that, it’s nice to have a break from it. There’s only so much time you can spend incased in a small room, mulling over ideas.

It doesn’t help that I haven’t caught up on sleep since last week’s Mostly Comedy. Monday and Thursday’s gigs acted as a tiredness top up. Tomorrow’s preview has been cancelled, which is a shame, as it would have been useful, but at the same time, it gives me a break. I still have a gig on Sunday, so all is not lost stage-time-wise. I hope I can use the time I’ve gained tomorrow to work something up.

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