
Last night’s meditation class was great.

I liked that we spent most of the session actually meditating. Sometimes, for whatever reason, it takes a little time to get to this. Yesterday, we went straight in. It can be disappointing when we don’t get a decent stab at it in class; it’s nice to know however much or little time I’ve had to practise in the week, I've got Tuesday evening set aside for it. It’s not the talking that I mind; that’s essential. I just like to start with doing it.

I try to meditate a little every day, even if only briefly. A short burst can be beneficial; it acts as a top up. I often do it before going on stage. It’s a good way to calm the nerves.

It’s not always easy. Some days it's hard to switch my brain off. This is particularly the case at the moment, as my labyrinthitis has kicked back in with a vengeance. My left eye flicks from side to side constantly. It’s exhausting. It’s most obvious when my eyes are closed, which doesn’t help. Part of the point of meditation is to accept things as they are. If my head is spinning, so be it. This can be easier said than done.

Our teacher is excellent. He takes his time and is very thorough. He’s offered us a all a free one-to-one session, to see how we’re getting on. I've got mine tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it.

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