Return of the Tax Return.

Today I’ve started work on the scourge of the freelance: the self-assessment tax return.  

You may think I’ve left it late, what with the deadline looming at the end of the month. You’re probably right. It’s the same every year. I wish I was more organised, but I’m not. I tell myself each time I submit a return that I’ll get my records together earlier for the next one. Even as the thought forms in my head, I know it’s a lie; twelve months later I’ll be knelt on the floor, surrounded by piles of receipts I should have sorted out months ago. Crying.

I actually don’t mind it that much. It may sound sick, but I enjoy it. Piecing it together can be satisfying. It’s like low-grade detective work, with lots of stapling.

That said, I like to make it difficult. I spent the first chunk of today separating my relevant receipts (from April 2013 to April 2014) from the irrelevant (from April 2014 onwards). I didn’t get to the right ones until after lunch. I only have myself to blame. I should have put them in a different box (though that would mean owning two boxes).

Writing this was my tea break. I’d better get back to work. Count yourself lucky I haven't invoiced you for reading it.

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