Eerie Stuff.

A woman just walked past Caffè Nero holding an umbrella with a pair of ears.

It’s worth clarifying that she wasn’t holding the umbrella with her ears - or anyone else's, for that matter. The ears were attached to the brolly and not to her.

(The English language can be confusing.)

I’m pretty sure that they didn’t have a purpose, other than to make the brolly's owner look ridiculous. I assume that the umbrella was designed to be held by a younger pair of hands than those clutching onto it. If the woman had been in her childhood or early teens, it wouldn’t have looked so incongruous. The fact she that was middle-aged called the whole look into question.

Perhaps it wasn’t her umbrella. It could belong to one of her children and was picked up out of absolute necessity.

If it was her property, I can only think of two explanations: (1) she purposely bought an umbrella with ears, or (2) she always opens it above her head and therefore hasn’t seen them.

I’m not sure which of these options is more disturbing.

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